Do I Have to Provide Customer Service for my Dropshipped Products or Will my Suppliers?

The number one factor in creating a long-lasting, sustainable dropshipping business is maintaining a good reputation. This of course boils down to your customer experience. It can be challenging to gain the trust of customers when running an eCommerce business since there is no face-to-face time, and as far as they are concerned you could be anyone. You must take the reins and responsibility for the customer service of your business. Your suppliers will take care of order fulfillment, but will not have any contact with your customers. As a dropshipper, you must provide good customer service to survive.

What is the Role of Customer Service in Dropshipping?

In most businesses, customer service handles tasks like answering questions, processing returns, and resolving complaints. In dropshipping, things are a bit different. You might not directly handle the product, but customer service is even more important! Since you control the storefront, customers look to you for a smooth experience. Happy customers mean repeat business and positive reviews, which are vital for success in dropshipping. So, providing excellent customer service becomes key to building trust and keeping your dropshipping business thriving.

10 Best Practices of Customer Service in Dropshipping

Here are a few Dropshipping Customer Service Best Practices you should keep in mind.

You Are Responsible

The first thing to remember is that no matter what, from time to time things are going to go wrong. This also goes for the biggest and the best most trusted companies out there. Even the most trusted suppliers will have something go wrong at some point and in the dropshipping business, you will be the one who has to remedy the situation. It is important to remember, even if it means losing money you must take responsibility and make your customer happy. In fact, losing money to fix an order could, and likely will pay off in the long run, with a repeat customer and even a good online review where there could have instead been a negative.

Understanding Your Customers

If you can understand your customer’s wants and needs, that will be a huge factor in providing successful customer service. Your customers no doubt want to feel secure. Making sure you provide your customers with a safe and secure checkout, and keeping their personal information safe, is one of the most valuable services you can provide your customers. Building a professional-looking website with a user-friendly experience and taking the time and cost to provide a safe purchasing environment will undoubtedly show you a great return on that investment.

Once a customer has made their purchase, they are going to be eager for it to arrive. Providing order tracking gives customers a hassle-free way to see where their purchase is so they can feel secure knowing it’s on the way. This will also cut down on customer inquiries for you to answer about shipping times, etc.

Know Your Products

Good product descriptions, an informative blog, a good FAQ page on your website, and even a regular newsletter provide customers with a wealth of important and useful information. The less a customer has to ask you, the more comfortable they will feel with purchasing from you. If you are offering knowledge for free, they will both appreciate it and see you as an expert on your products.

Happiness Is Priority #1

Successful, low-friction transactions lead to happy customers. Happy customers are almost always return customers and they may also lead to positive online reviews, and loyal brand ambassadors for you. After all, happy customers are the best marketing tools out there. Treating your customers well will get your business out there by word of mouth and create repeat business and repeat revenue.

Prompt Communication

Respond to customer inquiries quickly, whether it’s a question about a product, an order update, or an issue they’re facing. The faster you respond, the less frustrated the customer will feel. This shows that you care about their needs and helps build trust.


Be upfront and honest with your customers. If there’s a delay in shipping or an issue with an order, shipping times, product availability, or any potential issues let them know as soon as possible. This avoids misunderstandings and creates a positive shopping experience. Don’t try to sugarcoat things as transparency builds trust.

Quality Assurance

While you don’t directly control the product quality, you can partner with reliable dropshipping suppliers who offer high-quality products. If you are able to ensure then go ahead in meeting additional quality standards. Additionally, consider offering a clear return policy to show customers you stand behind the products you sell. Providing better quality assurance is a beneficial way of providing customer service for dropshipping.

Efficient Problem Resolution

Sometimes, problems arise. When a customer has an issue, listen attentively, and apologize for the inconvenience. Act quickly to resolve any issues or complaints raised by customers. This demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction and helps retain customers. When you better problem management, the issues will drop down as the solutions provided will become a part of customer service in dropshipping.

Feedback Collection

Actively seek feedback from your customers. The feedback can be done through surveys, emails, or even social media. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and enhance your customer service overall. This is one such aspect of customer service in dropshipping that the dropshipper can respond according to the target market.

Continuous Improvement

Building a great customer service experience is an ongoing process. By regularly reviewing feedback and adapting your approach, you can ensure your dropshipping business is always providing top-notch service that keeps customers coming back for more. This ensures that you are always providing the best possible service.

Customer service is your responsibility alone when running a dropshipping business. Keeping these dropshipping customer service best practices in mind while making your customers your priority will set you up for success and build a sustainable and successful business.

By following these best practices, you can provide excellent customer service in dropshipping, even though you don’t directly handle the inventory. Remember, happy customers are more likely to return and recommend your business to others, which is essential for success in your dropshipping business.

Discover the Power of Inventory Source: An Introduction Video

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